It seems you are using Internet Explorer 11, which is not supported by this website. 365游戏平台建议 谷歌Chrome 为了最好的浏览体验.


食物在365游戏平台的生活中有着非凡的力量:滋养的力量, 来安慰, 甚至, 独特的治愈力量. 食品创新是造福人类的能源. That is why we constantly strive to grow our positive impact by creating innovative food solutions that promote health & well-being and steadily move businesses, customers, people, and the planet forward.

We aim to combine a long history of expertise with the very latest innovation and 趋势, 让未来的食物成为现实. These global and local insights will help your business to stay connected to your customers and discover new opportunities.

We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on society and we do not take this great responsibility lightly. 365游戏平台对你们和子孙后代的承诺, 365游戏平台致力于一个整体的运营模式, 一个是可持续发展的, 尊重和平衡.


热情,质量,持续改进. 这些是365游戏平台与你们——365游戏平台的客户——所共有的价值观. 了解365游戏平台最新的食物解决方案, 365游戏平台将最好的食材和烘焙专业知识结合在一起, 法式蛋糕店, 和巧克力.  


Over 250 generations of bakers have kneaded their hearts and their souls into bread. By getting the most from breads heritage and respecting its three cornerstones – health, 味道, 质地——365游戏平台将面包的传统发扬光大, 帮助面包师在生意上取得成功. 


More than ever, consumers crave authentic, delicious 法式蛋糕店 creations. Re-invent 法式蛋糕店 with 365游戏平台 by adding exciting textures and flavors, and creating healthier or more sustainable versions of already so well-known 法式蛋糕店 classics. 


Incomparable in 味道, chocolate holds a special place in everyone’s hearts. 在365游戏平台, we are building a better future for cocoa with a game-changing Cacao-Trace program. Create a positive impact on the lives of cocoa farmers while offering your customers the finest quality chocolate applications. 


让您在事业上取得成功,这是365游戏平台的抱负. 365游戏平台说着你们的语言. 365游戏平台了解你们的客户和市场. 从创新到灵感,365游戏平台在这里帮助您发展业务. 

We share the passion of artisan bakers to offer the tastiest creations to customers.

Offer consistent quality while meeting ever-changing customer expectations.

Create delicious, highly nutritional recipes, while achieving cost-effective operational efficiency. 

Meet your customer’s needs by offering fresh and on-trend bakery goods that they will love.


We combine more than a century of expertise with the very latest innovation and 趋势, 让未来的食物成为现实.

Discover new business opportunities with the latest global and local 趋势 that 明天的味道 offers.


测试新365bet平台, 定价, marketing and communication concepts by finding out your consumer’s preferences.


365游戏平台的全球团队随时准备与您分享365游戏平台的知识, 帮助你创造世界上最好的成品!

进一步发展你的烘焙技能, 法式蛋糕店 和巧克力 making and learn to maximize technological innovation and efficiency.


而消费者总是乐于品尝美味的蛋糕, 他们并不总是确定如何描述他们的经历. 感谢普拉托斯感官实验室的专家, 你不仅会得到清晰的反馈, but also will be able to translate it into actionable product improvements.  


如何在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出? Attract and retain customers by offering a balanced product range and service tailored to their needs.

同时考虑你的365bet平台范围的细节, 趋势, 存储统计, 销售数据, we are keen to help you communicate with your target shoppers as effectively as possible. 


以快速和专业的方式创建一个个性化的网站. 有一个网上商店可以使你的顾客更容易下订单, 从而产生额外的销售额. 



发现鼓舞人心的食谱,想法,和最新的365游戏平台. We can’t wait to set the spark of collaborative inspiration into motion!




365游戏平台所做的一切都以人为本. 在365游戏平台, we firmly believe that excellent people are behind our group’s success. We are always on the lookout for new talent and would love to have you on board! 有兴趣加入365游戏平台的全球团队?